2025.02.16, 08:55

Publications in 2012 and earlier

  1. Igor A. Rudnev, Sergey V. Pokrovskiy, Aleksey I. Podlivaev, An application of magnetic measurements for study of local transport characteristics of modern superconducting materials. IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconductivity, 22(3) 6085594, 2012.
  2. В.P. Mikhailov, I.I. Ivanov, I.V. Borovitskay, O.N. Krokhin, I.A.Rudnev, A.V. Troitskii, L.Kh. Antonova, V.Yu. Nikulin, A.N. Maiorov, S.V. Pokrovskii, Influence of shock-wave action on the critical current of bismuth (2223) first-generation HTSC ribbons, Doclady Physics, 2012, V.57, N2, pp.61-63.
  3. Antonova L. Kh., Borovitskaya I.V., Gorshkov P.V., Demikhov E.I., Ivanov L.I., Krokhin O.N., Mikhailova G. N., Mikhailov B.P., Nikulin V. Ya., Pokrovskii S.V., Rudnev I.A., Troitskii A.V., Application of shock waves for the improvement of current-carrying properties of YBCO(123) and Bi(2223) HTSC tapes in magnetic fields, Physics of Metals and Metallography Volume 111, Issue 2, February 2011, Pages 158-164.
  4. V.L. Borblik, I.A. Rudnev, Yu.M. Shwarts, M.M. Shwarts, Negative magnetoresistance of heavily doped silicon p-n junction. Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2011. V. 14, N 1. P. 88-90.
  5. S.V. Pokrovskiy, I.A. Rudnev, A.I. Podlivaev, Development and realization methods for the study of local magnetic and transport characteristics of modern nanostructured superconducting materials. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2011. V.291. P. 012047-4.
  6. I. Rudnev, A. Komarova, P. Bobin, Peculiarities of magnetization of second generation high temperature superconducting tapes in a wide temperature range . Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2011. V. 291 P. 012048-4.
  7. Aksenov V.P., Antonova L.K.a, Demikhov E.I., Kostrov E.A., Menushenkov A.P., Mikhailova G.N., Pokrovskii S.V., Rudnev I.A., Troitskii A.V., Modification of superconducting YBCO(123) tape at current transport at T = 77K, Inorganic Materials: Applied Research, Volume 1, Issue 4, October 2010, Pages 365-369.
  8. Mikhailov B.P. , Ivanov L.I., Shamrai V.F., Nikulin V.Y., Mikhailova G.N., Nizhankovskii V.I., Rudnev I.A., Gorshkov P.V., The effect of pulse high-density plasma on superconducting properties of bi-2223 multilayered tape, Inorganic Materials: Applied Research, Volume 1, Issue 2, April 2010, Pages 92-94.
  9. Pokrovski S., Rudnev I., Podlivaev A. A Two-Dimensional Current Mapping in Superconducting Tapes, Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2009. V.150. P.052211(1-4).
  10. L. Kh. Antonova, I. V. Borovitskayaa, P.V. Gorshkov, E.I. Demikhov, L.I. Ivanov, O. N. Krokhin, G.N. Mikhailova, A.P. Menushenkov, V.Y. Nikulin, A.V. Oginov, A.I. Podlivaev, S. V. Pokrovskii, I.A. Rudnev, A.V. Troitskii, A.V. Troizkiy Effect of shock waves on the current-carrying properties of HTSC YBCO(123) tape, Doklady Physics, V.54, P/463-465. 2009.
  11. I.A. Rudnev, Yu.S. Ermolaev, Suppression of magnetic levitation force in melt-textured YBa2Cu3O7-x superconductors by a transverse AC magnetic field, Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser., 2008, V.97, pp. 012006-4.
  12. I.A. Rudnev, D.S. Odintsov, V.A. Kashurnikov. Critical current suppression in high-Tc superconductors and its dependence on the defects concentration. Physics Letters A, 2008, V.372, pp. 3934–3936.
  13. I.A. Rudnev, Yu.S. Ermolaev, Nonadditivity of magnetic levitation force, Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser., 2006, V.43, pp.983-986.
  14. I.A. Rudnev, D.V. Shantsev, T.H. Johansen, A.E. Primenko, Avalanche-driven fractal flux distributions in NbN superconducting films, Applied Physics Letters, 2005, V.87, p.042502-4.
  15. M.V. Zubin, I.A. Rudnev, V.A. Kashurnikov, Numerical Study of Vortex System Quantum Melting, Physics Letter A , 2004, V.332, p.456-460.
  16. B.P. Mikhailov, I.A. Rudnev, and P.V. Bobin, Physicochemical Methods of Enhancing the Performance of High-Tc Superconductors, Inorganic Materials, 2004, Vol. 40, Suppl. 2, S91–S100.
  17. I.A. Rudnev, S.V. Antonenko, D.V. Shantsev, T.H. Johansen, A.E. Primenko, Dendritic flux instabilities in Nb3Sn and NbN films. in Magneto-Optical Imaging (ed. T.H. Johansen and D.V. Shantsev), Nato Science Series, II. Mathemetics, Physics and Chemistry –2003, V.142, pp.229-235.
  18. I.A. Rudnev, S.V. Antonenko, D.V. Shantsev, T.H. Johansen, A.E. Primenko, Dendritic flux avalanches in superconducting Nb3Sn films, - Cryogenics, 43 663-666 (2003).
  19. I.A. Rudnev, A.V. Eremin, A.E. Khodot, B.P. Mikhailov, T.H. Johansen, Magnetic flux penetration into polycrystalline superconducting (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+x. ceramics containing additions of inorganic compounds, - Inorganic Materials, 39, Suppl.2 S113-S120(2003).
  20. G.I. Harus, A.I. Ponomarev, T.B. Charikova, A.N. Ignatenkov, L.D. Sabirzjanova, N.G. Shelushinina, V.F. Elesin, A.A. Ivanov, I.A. Rudnev. The interplay of superconductivity and localization in Nd2-xCexCuO4- single crystal films, Physica C, 2002, v.283, pp. 207-213.
  21. G.I. Harus, A.I. Ponomarev, A.N. Ignatenkov, T.B. Charikova, L.D. Sabirzyanova, N.G. Shelushinina, V.F. Elesin, A.A. Ivanov, I.A. Rudnev. Low-Temperature Anisotropy of Magnetoresistance in Layered Single Crystals Nd2-xCexCuO4+d, The Physics of Metal and Metallography, 2002, v.93, Suppl.1, S130-S132.
  22. V.A. Kashurnikov, I.A. Rudnev and M.V. Zubin. Magnetization of layered high temperature superconductors with defects: Monte-Carlo simulation, Superconductor Science and Technology v.14, N9 695-698( 2001).
  23. A.V. Eremin, O.S.Esikov, V.A. Kashurnikov, A.E. Khodot, Y.N. Pirogov, E.A. Protasov, I.A. Rudnev and M.V. Zubin. Numerical simulation and experimental observation of magnetic flux distribution in high temperature superconductors, Superconductor Science and Technology v.14, N9 690-694( 2001).
  24. V.A. Kashurnikov, I.A. Rudnev, M.E. Gracheva, and O.A. Nikitenko. JETP, 90, 173-182 (2000).
  25. I.A. Rudnev, V.A. Kashurnikov, M.E. Gracheva, O.A. Nikitenko. Phase Transitions in a Two Dimensional Vortex Lattice with Defects: Monte Carlo Simulation, Physica C, 2000, v.332, p. 383-388.
  26. I.A. Rudnev, V.A. Kashurnikov, M.E. Gracheva, Vortex lattice melting in layered htsc in the field of defects Low Temperature Phys. 25(10) 1999.( Fiz. Nizk. Temp 25,(10) 1999 ).
  27. I.A. Rudnev, A.E. Khodot, A.V. Eremin, and I.I. Akimov. Temperature dependencies of AC transport losses in HTSC composites. JTP Lett, 25 ( 11 ) 1999. ( Pis’ma Zh. Tech.. Fiz. 25 83(1999)).
  28. I.A. Rudnev, A.E. Khodot, A.V. Eremin, and I.I. Akimov. AC transport losses in multifilamentary (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox/Ag tapes. Low Temperature Phys. 25 100(1999).( Fiz. Nizk. Temp 25 141-147(1999) ).
  29. M.E. Gracheva, V.A. Kashurnikov, and I.A.Rudnev. Dynamics of Vortex Lattice under the Current Influence in High Temperature Suterconductors: Monte-Carlo Method. Low Temperature Phys. 25 105(1999).( Fiz. Nizk. Temp 25 148-152(1999) ).
  30. A.D. Nikulin, A.K. Shikov, I.I. Akimov , A.E. Khodot, I.A. Rudnev, A.V. Eremin , A.L. Ershov AC losses in multifilamentary HTS-composite tapes based on BiPbSrCaCuO. Physica C, V.310, 76-80 (1998).
  31. M.E. Gracheva, V.A. Kashurnikov, I.A Rudnev. Phase diagram of layered HTSC: simulation by means of Monte-Carlo method, Physics of low-dimentional structure, 9/10 202-208(1998).
  32. M.E. Gracheva, V.A. Kashurnikov, I.A Rudnev. Dynamics of vortex lattice under the current influence in high temperature superconductors: Monte-Carlo method, Physics of low-dimentional structure, 9/10 193-202 (1998).
  33. M.E. Gracheva, M.V. Katargin, V.A. Kashurnikov, and I.A.Rudnev. Monte-Carlo simulation of phase transition in the vortex system of high-temperature superconductors. Low Temperature Phys. 23(11) 863-870 1997.( Fiz. Nizk. Temp 23, 1151-1161, 1997 ).
  34. M.E. Gracheva, V.A. Kashurnikov, and I.A.Rudnev. Features of the melting dynamics of a vortex lattice in a high-Tc superconductor in the presence of pinning centers. JETP Lett, 66 ( 4 ) 291-297 1997. ( Pis’ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 66 (4) 269-274 1997).
  35. M.E. Gracheva, V.A. Kashurnikov, I.A. Rudnev. Monte-Carlo Simulation of the Two-Dimensional Vortex Lattice Melting in High-Temperature Superconductors with Defects. Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures, 1997, 8/9, p.125-133.
  36. A.A.Sinchenko, I.A. Rudnev, A.E. Khodot, and I.I. Akimov. Investigation of spatial uniformity of the transport properties in the HTSC composites. Journal of Appl. Phys. 4 (1997) 20-31 ( in Russian).
  37. D.V. Melnicov, A.I. Podlivaev, I.A. Rudnev, S.S. Shmelev. Effect of Spacer on Static Current-Voltage Characterristics of Resonant Tunneling Diodes Based on AlAs/GaAs Heterostructures. Phys. of Low-Dim. Struct., 1997, 8/9, p.109-124.
  38. I.A.Rudnev, V.F.Elesin, L.A.Openov, A.K.Shikov, A.E. Vorob’eva, and A.M. Chukin Hysteresis losses in multifilament niobium-tin composites with a tantalum diffusion barrier, Journal of Technical. Physics 41(10) 1034-1038, 1996 ( Zn. Tekh. Fiz 66, 118-127(1996) ).
  39. I. Rudnev , V. Elesin, V. Kadushkin , E. Shangina . Nonequilibrium lateral photoconductivity of GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum-well superlattices at low temperature. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 46 (1996), Suppl. S5, 2511-2512.
  40. V.I. Kadushkin, V.V. Kapaev, I.V. Kucherenko, A.I. Podlivaev, I.A. Rudnev, A.A. Sinchenko, E.L. Shangina. The I-V characteristrics peculiarities of asymmetrical system of quantum wells GaAs/AlGaAs. Physics and Technics of semiconductors 29 , 4 (1995).
  41. V.F. Elesin, I.A. Rudnev, I.Yu. Bezotosniy, A.D. Vikulov, A.D. Nikulin, A.K. Shikov, N.E. Khlebova, E.V. Antipova. The Electron Irradiation Influence on the Transport Critical Current of Ag-Clad BSCCO Wires. Superconductivity: Physics, Chemistry, Technique 7(10/12) (1994)1560.
  42. A.P.Menushenkov, A.Yu.Ignatov, S.G.Galkin, A.A.Ivanov, V.F.Elesin, I.A.Rudnev, V.A.Chernov, D.I.Kochubey, S.G.Nikitenko . Radiative Defects in HTSC Thin Films: EXAFS and XANES Study. Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures 3 (1994) 9.
  43. V.F.Elesin, I.A.Esin, I.A.Rudnev, B.L.Krivts, E.P.Limitovskii. Variation of critical temperature, electrical resistance and critical current of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O Thin Film under the action of ionic exposure induced defects. Superconductivity: Physics, Chemistry, Technique 6(4) (1993)807.
  44. A.P.Menushenkov, A.Yu.Ignatov, A.A.Ivanov, V.F.Elesin, I.A.Rudnev, O.I.Kochubey. Polarized K-Cu XANES of epitaxial Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4 thin films irradiated by He ions./Solid State Comm. 84, 3 (1992)319.
  45. V.F. Elesin, I.A.Esin, I.A.Rudnev, A.A.Ivanov, A.P.Menushenkov, A.V.Kuznetsov. The carriers density, resistivity and critical temperature of disordered orientated YBa2Cu3O7-x films. Progress in High-Temp. Supercond. - Vol. 32 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1992), 679-703.
  46. V.F. Elesin, N.Yu.Bezrukova, M.A.Bondarenko, V.E.Zhuchkov, A.A.Ivanov, A.V.Kuznetsov, A.P.Menushenkov, A.A.Mikhailov, I.A.Rudnev. The radiation defects influence on epitaxial Nd(Ce)-Cu-O films critical temperature and resistivity. Progress in High-Temperature Superconductivity Vol. 32 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1992 ), p.673-678.
  47. V.F. Elesin, I.A.Esin, N.Yu.Bezrukova, M.A.Bondarenko, P.V.Bratukhin, P.B.Zhilin, V.E.Zhuchkov, A.A.Ivanov, A.V.Kuznetsov, A.P.Menushenkov, A.A.Mikhailov, I.A.Rudnev, S.V.Shavkin. Effect of radiation- induced defects produced by ion bombardment on the transport and structural parameters of Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4+y. Superconductivity: Physics, Chemistry, Technique 5, 3 (1992) 515.
  48. V.F. Elesin, I.A.Rudnev. Effect of radiation-induced defects on the critical current of high-temperature superconductors. Superconductivity: Physics, Chemistry, Technique 4, 11 (1991)1963.
  49. V.F. Elesin, I.A.Esin, I.A.Rudnev, A.A.Ivanov, A.P.Menushenkov, A.V.Kuznetsov) Effect of radiation-induced defects on Hall coefficient in YBa2Cu3O7-x. Superconductivity: Physics, Chemistry, Technique 3, 7 (1990)1185.
  50. I.A.Esin, I.A.Rudnev. The radiation defects influence on critical current of Nb3Sn superconducting films. Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie, 66(1988)486 ( in Russian).
  51. S.V.Antonenko, A.I.Golovashkin, V.F.Elesin, I.A.Esin, V.E. Zhuchkov, S.I.Krasnosvobodtsev, E.V.Pechen', I.A.Rudnev. Effect of ion bombardment on the critical current of YBa2Cu3O7 films. JETP Lett. 47, 5 (1988)314.
  52. S.V.Antonenko, A.I.Golovashkin, V.F.Elesin, I.A.Esin, V.E. Zhuchkov, P.B.Zhilin, S.I.Krasnosvobodtsev, E.V.Pechen', A.S. Molchanov, I.A.Rudnev.The HTSC films variation of critical characteristic under influence of low temperature ion irradiation. Sov. Tech. Phys. lett. 14, (1988)793.